Vehicle Donations

Mariel Bolhouse, Vehicle Donation Manager
Hello, I’m Mariel Bolhouse, the new Vehicle Donation Manager here at Heart of the Valley. We would like to thank Dennis Moore for his many years of service on the Heart of the Valley Board and for being our long-time Vehicle Donation Manager. He will be greatly misses, but we wish him all the best! We accept donations of bicycles, cars, vans, trucks, scooters, RV’s, ATV’s, power chairs, boats, airplanes, pretty much anything that rolls, floats or flies, as long as it runs, it’s registered, and the title is the donor’s name. All donations go toward providing escorted transportation and in-home services for the seniors living in our community.
Please fill out the form below and I’ll call you to arrange for your donation. Or you may call the Heart of the Valley office at (408)241-1571. If we are not able to answer the phone, please leave your name and phone number on our voicemail and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Once we receive your request, we will be in touch. Thank you!
If this is your first time donating a car to a nonprofit, please read the following information so that you understand how you receive your tax deduction from the donation. Learn how to take a tax deduction for your vehicle donation
Vehicle Donation Contact Information
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